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The Museum of the Ethno Art Fest Ltd (EAF Museum) invites volunteers to assist and assist in the organization of museum events and projects.


Forms of work (by agreement) remotely at home, in offices and museum halls.


Assistance in activities:

• Assistance in sending information about museum projects, exhibitions, concerts, shows (via email and social networks on the Internet, personal communication)

• Communication with participants of museum projects, exhibitions, concerts, shows (via e-mail and social networks on the Internet, personal communication)

• Assistance in organizing art projects (exhibitions, presentations, other events)

• Assistance in organizing fashion projects (fashion shows, other events)

• Assistance in organizing music and theater projects (concerts, performances, etc.)

• Assistance in writing event announcements, art articles, as well as journalistic and other articles.

• Assistance in the design of exhibitions, exhibition elements and exhibits.

Rewards based on results:

• Acknowledgements, letters of recommendation, diplomas, nomination for special awards (medals, valuable prizes, scholarships, etc.)

• Free or preferential participation in the projects of the EAF Museum.

• Assistance in joining creative and professional unions, associations, unions.

• Cash reward based on results

• Rewards, bonuses, and other rewards

Please send a short essay about why you would like to volunteer at the EAF Museum.






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