SERGE LIFAR 1905 - 1986
Lifar Sergey Mikhailovich - ballet dancer, ballet master, dance theorist, collector and bibliophile of Ukrainian origin. Having become the premiere of the Russian ballet, Lifar was the first performer of the main roles in the ballet Myasin "Steel jump", ballets Balanchine "Cat", "Apollo" and "Prodigal son". He was the last of Diaghilev's favorites to say about him: "Lifar is waiting for his own right time to become a new legend, the most beautiful of the ballet legends".
After the death of Diaghilev and the collapse of his entreprise, he was admitted to the Paris Opera ballet company; in 1930-1945 and 1947-1958 he was a ballet master and its Director. In 1935 he set a ballet by Arthur Honegger's "Icarus", the image of the hero who was the embodiment of the Lifar. Lifar showed himself as an artist, leaving behind more than a hundred original paintings and drawings, the main plot of which - ballet, dance, and movement in General. Sergey Lifar was the holder of the highest awards of France: the order of the Legion of Honor and the order of Literature and art, the owner of the highest award of ballet - "Golden shoes" and the Oscar, was awarded the gold medal of the city of Paris.
"Portrait of Serge Lifar"
Author of Rinat Kuramshin

Photo. S. Lifar
in the ballet"Icarus"
Photo. Sergei Lifar
Photo. Grand Opera House
Photo. Sergei Lifar
Photo. S. Lifar
and K. Chanel