England is a country with a rich history and centuries-old traditions. English cities are unique. Each city has its monuments of history and architecture. More than 20 sites were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The national English costume, which had been worn by peasants and citizens for centuries, can now be seen only during celebrating May Day, which marks the awakening of nature, or celebrating the Midsummer Day.
According to the old custom, Morris dance (dance with swords) theatrical performances are held these days. The dancers wear traditional clothes and perform rhythmic stepping and execute choreographed figures to the accompaniment of bagpipes, violins and drums.
Another purely English type of costumes belongs to the guards of the Tower of London, the retired military, called beefeaters.

Beefeaters’ graceful cylinders and caftans decorated with luxurious embroidery have become a real symbol of London and England in general. One more English symbol is associated with the military service - the outfit of the royal guards, whose tall bearskin hats gave them the nickname "Bearskins." These elite units in scarlet uniforms have been protecting the residence of the British monarchs for more than 300 years.